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Writer's pictureSumer Edwards-Williams

MARCH-The Month of The Mosaic Effect

Every month, I seek divine guidance from the Lord regarding His message for the upcoming month. As the Overseer and Founder of a Prophetic Ministry, it's crucial to discern His direction not only for the ministry but also for my personal journey. In March, during my time of prayer and reflection, I received a profound revelation: the Month of the Mosaic Effect.

Upon delving into the meaning of "mosaic," I discovered it to be the art of crafting images by assembling small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. Webster's New World Dictionary further elucidated it as the process of creating pictures or designs by embedding small bits of colored stone, glass, tile, etc., into mortar. Despite these definitions, I sought clarity from the Lord on what He intended to convey.

In a moment of divine clarity, the Lord revealed to me that in this month, He would piece together the fragments of our lives, especially those from the last five years. He assured me that the disappointments, heartbreaks, doubts, and feelings of unworthiness would be transformed into something beautiful. Like an artist meticulously arranging tesserae to form intricate patterns, God would intricately weave together the broken pieces of our lives.

Just as observing a mosaic from afar reveals its intricate beauty, God assured me that stepping back from our struggles would reveal His masterful design in our lives. His Holy Spirit serves as our guiding force, His love acts as the adhesive binding the pieces together, and every fragment of pain or regret will be transformed into a new and beautiful design.

The scripture from Isaiah 61:3 resonates deeply with this promise, affirming that God exchanges beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and praise for despair. Our journey, much like a mosaic, is composed of various broken pieces and experiences that God expertly combines to create a stunning masterpiece. As we reflect on our personal histories, we can find encouragement in knowing that God is working all things together for our good.

I invite you to share your own experiences and reflections in the comments below. Let us rejoice in the beauty that God is creating from the brokenness of our lives.

Be blessed, and may your mosaic reflect the transformative work of God's love and grace.

~ SEW ~

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